GED - Mathematics

Units covered in the Canadian Mathematics course are Number Operations, Algebraic Equations (including Trig), Measurements and Geometry, and Statistics. Upon the satisfactory completion of this course, the student will be able to pass the post-test and successfully pass the mathematics portion of the Canadian GED test.

Prerequisites: None

Unlimited access to this course for a one time $75 fee.

Author: James L. Harned, PhD and Ophelia Holmes

Course Info
Enrollment Length Unlimited
Author/Instructor Ophelia Holmes
Course Availability Worldwide
Minimum age required None

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Canada GED - Mathematics

  • Price: $75.00

  • Incl. Tax: $75.00
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Tags: GED, Mathematics, basic adult education, alternative high-school, arithmetic, fractions, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, percentages, algebra, geometry, College preparation