State Study Manuals
Lower on this page you will see links for state study manuals procured through our bookstore partner, eCampus. However, we have found that you can usually get your insurance study manuals quicker and cheaper if you go directly to the publisher for each manual. We are providing links immediately below for that.
On the publisher websites there are also additional study aids available, namely Flashcards and a Workbook (practice exams). You can buy just the manual or one or more study aids to go with your manual. A discount is given if you bundle two or more items. There are also options to buy just the study aids if you already have your manual. All manuals are available in print form only, the publishers do not currently provide digital copies. NOTE: The State study manual is required by the Florida Department of Financial Services for all Pre-Licensing course students, the optional study aids are not required (but you might find them helpful). Here are the links to these publisher resources:
1. FAIA - Florida Study Manual and Licensing Tools -
The manual is required for the 2-20 General Lines (Pre-Licensing or conversion course) and the 20-44 Personal Lines Pre-Licensing course. The manual is optional (but suggested) for the 4-40 Registered Customer Service Representative Designation Course and 6-20 All Lines Accredited Claims Adjuster Designation Course.
2. NAIFA - Florida Study Manual and Study Aids -
The manual is required for the 2-15 Health & Life (Including Annuities & Variable Contracts) Pre-Licensing course, 2-14 Life Agent Pre-Licensing course, and 2-40 Health Agent Pre-Licensing course. The manual is available in English or Spanish, study aids are in English only.
OLT Bookstore (powered by eCampus)
To jump quickly to your course, select one of the course categories from the "Quick Index."
Please note the Course ID number on the left. You will need it on the eCampus Bookstore website when you order your manual.
All manuals are available in print form only. The publishers do not currently provide digital copies.
Study Guide for Sales Associate Pre-Licensing Course
This study guide complements Online Training's Flo..
$10.00 Ex Tax: $10.00
RE004-SG1 Study Guide for Pre-Licensing Course
These study guides are written to compliment OnLin..
$10.00 Ex Tax: $10.00