The last thirty years have seen several major hurricanes that have caused extensive financial loss. Hurricane Andrew hit in 1992 and at the time was the most expensive hurricane in US history coming in at $31 billion (in 2021 dollars) and the scale of destruction was unprecedented. This storm resulted in many law changes including mandating building codes to be strengthened in South Florida.

This course has been approved for insurance continuing education credit by the Maryland Insurance Administration. This Maryland CE course is approved for 3hrs of intermediate level CE credit. No classroom attendance required. 

Course Provider: OnLine Training, Inc. 
Provider #: 208210
Course Approval #: 110937

Provider Info
Provider Name OnLine Training, Inc.
Provider # 208210
Course Approval # 110937
Course Info
Satisfies State Requirements Maryland
Course Length 3 hours
Enrollment Length 30 days
Extension Availability Yes, a 30-day extension, for a $49.00 charge, may be requested a maximum of three times and should be requested BEFORE the course expires.
Author/Instructor James Drake

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3 hr CE - Hurricanes and Insurance

  • Price: $22.00

  • Incl. Tax: $22.00
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Tags: Property & Casualty Insurance, Property & Casualty Insurance Continuing Education, Hurricane Insurance, Continuing Ed Course on Hurricanes