• 24 hr CE - 2-20 or 20-44 Property and Casualty Bundle
5hr INSCE019 - 4hr Law and Ethics Update - Property and Casualty

3hr INSCE010 - Flood Insurance and the NFIP
6hr INSCE021 - Property and Casualty Insurance  Personal Lines
6hr INSCE022 - Property and Casualty Insurance  Commercial Lines

3hr INSCE009 - Ethics and the Client
2hr INSCE008 - Hurricanes and their Impact on Insurance

The State of Florida requires you to take a 4-hour Law and Ethics update course every 2 years, specific to the license held. Our Law and Ethics course satisfies this requirement. We have bundled an additional 20 hours of General Elective CE courses to fill out your State-mandated Continuing Education requirement.

We are pleased to announce our new bundle of 24 hours of General Lines/Personal Lines (2-20 or 20-44) Continuing Education Insurance courses offered at a special price, all State-approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services (FLDFS). 

All Property and Casualty and Personal Lines Agents are required by law to have 24 hours of CE credits completed every two years; this is a quick and easy way to get all your hours in one easy registration process at a great price! We've never offered a special deal like this, so register now!

You will have 45 days to finish all the courses in your bundle, so don't put it off! (The INSCE019 -  Law and Ethics Update is an annually expiring/renewed course that may have an expiration date before your 45 days are up, be sure to complete it first! The expiration date of that course is listed on the front page of the course.)

FLDFS Course Approval Information:

Course Provider: OnLine Training, Inc. 
FLDFS Provider # 366468

FLDFS Course Approval numbers:

 4hr INSCE019FL5 - 132224
 3hr INSCE010FL3 - 69238
INSCE021FL6 - 93784
INSCE022FL6 - 93988
 3hr INSCE009FL3 - 60889
 2hr INSCE008FL2 - 69237

Provider Info
Provider Name OnLine Training
Provider # 366468
Course Info
Satisfies State Requirements Florida
License Type 2-20 or 20-44
Course Length 24 hrs
Enrollment Length 45 days
Extension Availability Yes, a 30-day extension, for a $49.00 charge, may be requested a maximum of three times and should be requested BEFORE the course expires.
Author/Instructor James Drake, James Van Putten Vink

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24 hr CE - 2-20 or 20-44 Property and Casualty Bundle

  • Price: $47.00

  • Incl. Tax: $47.00
Student Info for each student

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