OnLine Training Institute

Health and FL State Laws Practice Exams
The purpose of the PE007FL Health and Florida Sp..
$35.00 Ex Tax: $35.00
Health and Life Practice Exam Drills
The purpose of the PE005FL Health, Life and Annuit..
$52.00 Ex Tax: $52.00
Life, Annuity and Florida Specifics Exam Drills
The purpose of the PE006FL Life and Annuity and ..
$35.00 Ex Tax: $35.00
Post Retirement Planning for Seniors - Consumer Edition
During our working years, pre-retirement planning ..
$35.00 Ex Tax: $35.00
Sales Associate Prelicensing Course - Six (6) month access
Register for this Florida State Approved (DBPR) co..
$196.00 $245.00 Ex Tax: $196.00
2 hr All Licenses CE - COVID-19, Insurance, and Claims
COVID-19 claims have raised coverage issues that w..
$27.00 Ex Tax: $27.00
2 hr Public Adjuster CE (3-20) - COVID-19, Insurance, and Claims
COVID-19 claims have raised coverage issues that w..
$27.00 Ex Tax: $27.00
40 hr 4-40 RCSR Registered Customer Representative Designation
Florida-approved RCSR 4-40 designation cours..
$290.00 Ex Tax: $290.00
40 hr Health Insurance Pre-licensing course and Exam Drills Bundle #5
Florida 2-40 Health Insurance Bundle #5 INSHLB005..
$146.00 Ex Tax: $146.00
60 hr Life and Health Pre-licensing +Pass Prep +Practice Exam Plus - Bundle #3
Florida 2-15 Health and Life Bundle #3 INSHLB00..
$191.00 Ex Tax: $191.00
Study Guide for Sales Associate Prelicensing Course
This study guide complements Online Training's Flo..
$10.00 Ex Tax: $10.00
10 hr Law & Ethics + All-Lines Adjusters CE
This class satisfies the requirement that Adjuster..
$39.00 Ex Tax: $39.00
14 hr Real Estate CE Bundle - Complete
The State of Florida requires you to take 14 hours..
$36.00 $108.00 Ex Tax: $36.00